


ABriefIntroductiontoShandongProvince My dear friends,welcome to shandongprovince。Confucius said:Isn't it a great pleasure to have friends coming fromafar!Today it's a pleasure for me to meet you here and to be ofservice。First,I'll give you a brief introduction to shandong province。

1。 Natural Geography

shandong province is located in the east of china ,at the lower reaches ofthe yellow River。It is one of themost important cosatal province。 It covers anarea of 156,700square kilometers,occupying1。6%of the country's

territory 。Shandong boats a coastal line of 3,024 kilometers。It bordesocean in the east and land in the west。shandong haspeninsula and island。Theshandong peninsula protrudes between the Bohai sea shnd Yellow sea,and faces theLiaodong peninsula in the north across the bohai straits, forming the maritimeoutpost of the nation's capital——beijing。The western inland part borders Hebei,Henan,Anhui and Jiangsu provinces from north to south。

2。 Administrative Divisions and Population

Shandong has 17 prefectural —lever cites,140 county—level districts,amongthem 49 diatricts in urbanarea,31 county—level cities, 60 counties。Thepopulation of Shandong is about 93 million。Jinan is the capital of the province。Qingdao is a very famous coastai city。  3。Climate  Shandong has awarm—temperate monsoon climate。It has hot summers with centralized rainfall sawell as short springs and autumns with an average annual temperature rangingform 11centigrade to 14centigrade。 With an average annual rainfall ranging form550mm to 950mm, the rainfall reduces from the southeast to northwest。Because 60%rainfall is centralized in summre,it is easy to come to waterlog in summer anddrought in winter and spring。 It is most influential for agriculture。

4。History  Shandong is one of the birthplances of ancient Chinese culture。The fossil of Yiyuan Man proves that Shandong is the cradle of ancient humanbeinga four or five thousand years ago。Beixin Culture, Dawenkou Culture andLongshan Culture found in Shandong trace the change from matriarchal clan socityto patriarchal  clan society with rather advanced agriculture,animal husbandyand handicraft industry。Shandong is the headsteam of pottery and silk。Duringthe  spring and Autuma and the Warring States Period, the Qi State and Lu Statein shandong Province are two advanced ducal states。Because of this,we callShandong "theLand of Qi and Lu"is also called for ashort name。

5。History figures  Shandong enjoys the reputation of "the hometown ofConfucius and Mencius"and "the land of ceremony  and proprierty" 。A lot ofhistoric figures still give great influences until today。Confucianism ,whichfounded by the great philosopher,educatir Confucius is the backbone of Chinesetraditional culture and has exerted profound influence in the world。"Strategicsof Sun ZI"

6。 Tourism resources

Shandong tourism resources are abundant, there are beautiful naturalscenery and a large number of spots。 The world natural and cultural doubleheritage Tarzan, world cultural heritage, qufu konglin was suggested, Confuciusand Confucian temple, the qi LinZi GuDou international beer city, Qingdao,yantai international wine city, days end rongcheng city, jinan, the mouth of theYellow River, the fathers of wonders, seazan KunYu mountain, a beautiful legendYi mountain, the well—known novel by famous famous liangshan, all is the idealdestination tourists。  7。 Traffic

Shandong jinan, including nine airport YaoQiang internationalairport,  Qingdao liuting international airport and yantai laishan internationalairport is the international passenger airport。 These airports have flights toJapan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and the domestic many major cities。

Shandong highway is in length and quality, etc。 Shandong highway length anddensity in the first place。 Beijing—shanghai, beijing—fuzhou,tongsan  expressway, tsing silver for to shandong provides quick and convenienttraffic。 Provincial traffic is very convenient, highway to jinan, capital andother closely linked in 16 cities。 By the end of 2007, shandong highway trafficmileage more than 4,000 kilometers。

Shandong railway has forming self traffic network。 Jingjiu railwaytraverses from Beijing and Shanghai, shandong north and south, jiazhou —something  that railway crossing treks。 You can ride from shandong jingjiurailroad in Hong Kong。 The sunshine is eastern Oriental bridgeheadeuro—asian

continental bridge。 No matter where you are, you can be convenient to takethe train to the shandong and in shandong tour。

8。 Shandong cuisine

Shandong cuisine, another name is served, has a long history in China, andhas a far—reaching influence。 It is the Chinese cooking important part ofculture。 As one of China's four big cuisines of shandong food, for its uniqueflavor, elegant manual in reputation both at home and abroad。

Shandong cuisine originated in the spring and autumn and warring statesperiod JiGuoHe lu, eventually formed in han dynasty。 Begin from songdai shandongcuisine become the leader of north China cuisine。 From shandong to Beijing, fromthe Yellow River to the northeast, shandong cuisine widely circulated。 It isChina that eight regional cuisines of the most popular, especially in Beijing,tianjin and northeast。

Because the difference between shandong cuisine regional, is divided intothree pies。 Jiaodong food (mainly), jinan with seafood dishes (mainland food)and Confucius food (traditional dishes)。

Shandong cuisine pay attention to natural flavor。 Slightly salty food,fresh, but fresh tender, sweet, fragile celebrated。 Pay attention to use clearsoup and milk soup well flavoured。 The former clear delicious, the latter milkcolor mellow。

9。 Festival activities

(1) baotu spring — parade

Baotu spring — parade has a long history。 During the parade in the park,you will find any place in the top, lanterns, building on the surface thebushes, house, etc。 Hua—durng shapes, dragon and lion, crab etc shape。Meanwhile, at the same time, such as in the park entertainment by HanChuan, liondance, stilts。 Parade from lunar January 1st lasted a month。

(2) temple 280m above sea level

During the temple fair, build a color stage, performance DeFangXi, usuallycontinue for three days。 Celebrations include circus, magic and xun monkeyperformance。 Meanwhile, the monk temple buddhist blessing ceremony held。 Manyvendors in internal and external booth pendulum 280m above sea level, the mainpark, candle and selling incense local products。 In the temple fair on September9th lunar calendar held in within 280m above sea level。

(3) Qingdao international beer festival  Qingdao international beerfestival include wine, performing arts tourism, drinking game, economic andtrade exhibition, etc。 More than 20 of the world's famous beer manufacturerparticipation, Asia's biggest beer  oktoberfest becomes event。 Each year theoktoberfest held the second weekend in August, lasted 16 days。

(4) Confucius international culture festival  Activities and by offeringhole development。 According to traditional offering hole scheduled for each yearon September 26th to October 10。 During the festival, held a series ofactivities such as large music sacrifice dance,  international Confuciusacademic seminars, ancient customs performance。

(5) mount tai international DengShanJie  Mount tai internationalDengShanJie are large tourism festival activities at home and abroad,reputation。 The main activities have walk climbing  competition, mountain bikinggame, cultural relics and treasures exhibitions and other artistic and culturalactivities。 DengShanJie every September 6 to 9 held。

(6) weifang international kite festival

Weifang is international kite, weifang international kite festival heldApril

every year。 During the holiday season, there are all kinds of activities,such as the opening ceremony, international kite, fly game, international kitekite  awards, ten grand prix, visit kite museum, Yang port folklore performanceetc。 Dear friends, shandong is magnificent, shandong is friendly。 Hospitalityshandong welcome you!


It is convenient to the Sun Island. Tourists can get here by water, land orair. It is a great enjoyment to tour on Songhua River when the weather is fine.It will be exciting and full of fun to cross the Songhua River on a cable car.Of course, it is much more convenient to cross the river by land with numerousvehicles coming and going every day. The center of the park is at a waterpavilion. About 1,515 square meters, the highlights include a long corridor, alink corridor and a square pavilion built with modern methods of gardenmaking.

The scenery in the garden is composed of artificial lakes and artificialhills. There are 5 inter-linked lakes around the Sun Lake. On the lake areSister Bridge, Pavilion Bridge, and White Jade Bridge. The elegant willows, thepicturesque pavilions and bridges as well as their reflections in the water haveconstituted most beautiful scenery. There is a three-layer waterfall built inthe Sun Hill. The crystal clear water curtain hangs down and its sound can beheard from afar. This scenery is the Clear Spring and Flying Waterfall.

Since the normalization of the relations between China and Japan, manyChinese cities have established friendly relationship with some Japanese cities.In the 10th year since Harbin and Niigata became sister cities, both sides builttogether this Japanese style friendship garden in the Sun Island Park which islocated on the northern bank of the Songhua River. Covering an area of 3.7hectares, the garden was built with a total investment of 4.2 million Yuan.Japan invested 3.3 million yen and took the responsibility of the fundamentaldesign. China was responsible for the construction work. It took 14 months tocomplete the garden. Opened in September 1989, the garden receives 150,000domestic and foreign guests every year. Friendship Garden has become animportant window of Harbin. The park is built on the basis of the naturalscenery and blends beautifully with its surroundings. The Sino-JapaneseFriendship Memorial Hall is of traditional Japanese architectural style.Tourists can find distinctive Japanese flavor in the trees and large expanse oflawns. Facing the wonderful scenery, tourists would feel like being inJapan.

In winter, Snow Sculpture Show holds annually. This show was first held in1989. It is now as important as the Ice and Snow World. Each year, it attractedmore than 10,0000 visitors home and abroad.


Ladies and gentlemen:

Today we are going to visit zhongyang street. this is the downtown area. inorder to better know the street, we are going to walk through it, which takesabout40 minutes. those who do not like walking may keep seated, our coach willgo along another street and stop at the flood control monument. those who cannotwalk that far may take a taxi to the flood control monument. now let6"s get offthe coach, and take a walk on zhongyang street.

Zhongyang street measures1450 meters from jingwei street in the south tothe flood control monument on the riverbank in the north. this is china"slongest walkway. the street was built at the end of the last century. it wasconnected to a wharf at the songhua river. because of the constant transport ofthe goods needed for building the china eastern railway, a shopping center beganto take shape along this street at the turn of the century. harbin at that timewas a semi-colonial city with a foreign population of many thousands. politicsand economy were actually controlled by foreign powers. owing to theconcentration of chinese shops along this street, foreigners took it as a chinatown and called it china street.

Have you noticed the cobbled road surface? this is the only cobbled streetleft in harbin. this cobbled street was paved in1925. thanks to the goodquality, the street has kept in good shape with a few repairs in the past. thisstreet began to take shape as an international street in the1920s. there wereover a hundred shops and many were owned by forergners, such as russians,greeks, czechs, swedes, swiss, frenchmen, germans and englishmen. they builttheir shops in their individual styles. therefore, the street not only lookedlike a foreign street, but also was controlled by foreigners. now this smoothcobbled street may remind us of the past when foreigners were sitting inchariots along the street, as if we could still hear the horse-hoofs clicking oncobbles.

Over half a century is past , zhongyang street is weather-beaten. with theimplementation of reform and opening-up, it is ready to welcome visitors with anew outlook.

The building in front of us is very attractive. its some and arched windowsare typical of the byzantine style popular in europe during the middle ages. itwas built in1934and it was a shoe shop owned by a czech. after liberation, itbecame a specialty shop-women and children"s department store. it is the biggestspecialty shop along zhongyang street. there are a good variety of commodities.now some world famous specialty chains have also set up branches down here, suchas crocodile, bossini and so on. you can see some gentlemen also wandering inthe women and children"s department store. at such a good shopping place, theywill not walk out empty-handed.

Opposite the women and children"s department store is the central shoppingcity opened in november1994. on its original site there were five small storesrun by russians, which were built in1932. after liberation, they were turnedinto one department store. in1994, the old building was torn down, and thiscomprehensive department store was built. the architecture is a combination of aeuropean castle with modern architecture. it has become a new scenic spot onzhongyang street.

At we go along the road, we are able to see the central pharmacy. it was abungalow before. in1912, german sidemen"s opened a shop here to sell electricalequipment and materials. after liberation, it was reconstructed. now you canfind not only Medicine here, but also the gold lion shop, a super-market and akentucky fried chicken restaurant.

This shopping center was opened in1995. its original site was a shopmanaged by a swede. it dealt in china, porcelain and enamelware. afterliberation, it became a food-store. the building you see now was designed by afamous architect in heilongjiang. it is a masterpiece of adopting reliefsculptures in modern construction. this building is an attractive site inzhongyang street.

The nost interesting building along zhongyang street is the modern hotel.it was constructed in1913. it is of an attractive outlook and magnificentlydecorated. it has a typical baroque style of the neo-artistic period. at first,it was invested and managed by a jewish frenchman. the origin of its chinesename once aroused the interest of many people. there was a column in newspaperfor debating its origin. some held its chinese name came from the word "mother",some said it came from "modern". however, modern seemed to overwhelm mother asyou can see the hotel now used the modern hotel as its english name.

Modern hotel has all the facilities of a modern hotel includingwell-decorated suites, dining rooms and medium and small-sized meeting rooms ineuropean palatial styles. there is a legendary oil painting hanging on a wall onthe landing of the first floor. it was painted a famous russian painter. he wasinspired by "divine comedy"composed by dante. it shows a pretty girl saved byangels from confinement by insects and demons;the girl who endured tortures inhell was about to rise to heaven. this picture was painted red during thecultural revolution. after the cultural revolution, the original painting wasrestored. now we are able to appreciate its artistic charm.

In the past few decades, modern hotel has catered to many famous people,such as well known chinese writers guo moruo and ding ling, and a renownedpainter, xu berhong. those who have stayed here also include distinguishedamerican celebrities such as anna louise strong, edgar snow yue-sai kan. moviestudios have shot movies here. "harbin in the dark night", "london inspiration","the orient express to moscow"have left people lasting memories.

Opposite the modern hotel, there is huamei restaurant. it was malserestaurant serving western food. after liberation, it was rebuilt several timesand two more stories have been added. however, its original european style hadbeen kept. it was reported in1973that there were260 western restaurants inharbin, with over100 concentrated along zhongyang street. huamei restaurant wasone of the best known. now it serves many specialties, such as russian dishes,potted cattle tail, french egg and fried prawns. it is said a russian celebritywho used to serve in the army once visited huamei. after dinner, he could nothelp praising delicious food served in huamei. he declared the russian disheshere surpassed those in russia. he would send chefs from russia to huamei tolearn to cook when he got back Home. now that you know huamei, your knowledge ofzhongyang street will not be complete if you have not tried the food here.

Further in the front, we can see the education bookstore. it wasconstructed in1909. it is a baroque construction, extravagant and novel, withbold lines and strong contrast. over the entrance, there are two staturs. theyare titans in greek fairy tales. the male is atlas and the female is galliached.it is said they hold up the sky with heads and shoulders. education relates tothe future of a country. may these titans hold up the building of education, andaccompany us to a prosperous tomorrow.

Opposite to the education bookstore, the building in the neo-artistic styleis qiulin department store. it is characterized by simple structure, flexiblelay out, free style, and curved decoration. qiulin was constructed in1903. inthe past few decades, it has transformed from a colonial company. it haswitnessed great changes in zhongyang street.

Many people say zhongyang street is a street of architecture as over70buildings appear in different styles. some state it is a small paris in theorient; some assert it is a moscow in the orient; some declare it is a symphony.when you step on this cobbled street, it is as if you could hear a prelude. asyou go further along the street, you can see the women and children"s departmentstore, and the flood control monument at the riverside, as if their variedstructures were different chapters constituting a harmonious tune. this symphonyaccompanies the people in harbin as they suffered before liberation, wanderedthrough the cultural revolution, and ushered in the reform and opening up, andencourages them to face up to the magnificent21st century.


Ladies and gentlemen:

The time has come for you to leave for Shanghai, the final leg of yourvisit to china. It`s a pity that you cannot stay in Harbin any longer. Pleaseallow me, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of afarewell.

First of all, I wish to thank you all for the cooperation and support youhave given us in the past tow and a half days. You have kept good time on alloccasions, which made things a lot easier for our dirver and me. You have beenvery attentive when we had something to tell you. Also, you have been kindenough to offer us suggestions on how to be better tour guides. I`d like to addthat you are the best group we`ve ever been with.

Two days ago, we met as strangers; today, we did farewell to each other asfriends. A chinese saying goes, a good friend from afar brings a distant landcloser. I hope you`ll take back happy memories of your trip to china, includingyour two-and-half-day visit to Harbin. As you have probably observed, Harbin isdeveloping very quickly. When and if you come back in the future, the city mayhave changed beyond recognition. Meanwhile, I will continue my job as a tourguide. I hope to see you again in the future and to be your guide. Please enjoyyour flight to Shanghai. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Bon voyage!


A famous river divides Harbin into the north and the south part, along itsbank formed two amazing riverside parks. That is the Mother River ofHarbin—Songhua River.

Songhua River, ranks the fifth longest river in China, runs about 1,897kilometers long and covers a drainage area of 545,600 square kilometers. Thesource of the river is a crater lake called Heavenly Lake with an elevation of2,189 meters at the top of the Changbai Mountain, which borders North Korea inChina’s Jilin Province. The water falls down from the Heavenly Lake and forms awaterfall, as if the water rushes down from haven. Hence the local Manchuinhabitant called it “Heavenly Lake” in meaning, “Songga-liwula” inpronunciation. Now we transliterate into Chinese Songhua River.

It is 4 meters in depth and 1 kilometer in width on average in Harbinsector. Songhua River has more than 900 branches in large and small size. Theriver is frozen over from November to April the nest year. the period offreezing weather is 135 days.

As the largest branch of the Heilong River, Songhua River winding throughHarbin for 117 kilometers and served as an important artery for the developmentof the city. In the 17th century, under the reign of Emperor Kangxi, naval shipswere stationed along these areas, and resisted the invading Russian enemysuccessfully. After that, in 1689, Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed.That is the first border agreement between the Qing government and the imperialRussian government. On June 6th, 1898, a Russia warship taken on the engineersand surveyors to made a topographic map for building the China-East Railway.There landing point is where the Flood Control Monument located now. From thenon, the river became busy and lots of material needed for build the railway weretransported through this River and then, a modern city was erected at the southbank of Songhua River.

Three big bridges have been built over the river, and one of them connectedthe south bank of Harbin and Sun Island was built in 1983 and opened to trafficin 1986. This bridge approach or the leading bridge on the south bank of theSonghua River was designed to have two circles. So the whole bridge was like ascissors and the bridge approach is like the scissors’ handle.

The Songhua River in winter is no less bustling than a summer bathingbeach. It’s frozen hard with ice nearly one meter thick, turning it into a hugeplayground for all kinds of ice sports. You can go skating and ice sailing, orride in ice junks or horse-drawn sleighs. But if you want to do something reallydifferent, why not get into a swimming costume and join those crazy people,young and old, diving and swimming in a pool of icy water dug out of the frozenriver?
