Program: 20th Century American Literature
“The apparition of these faces in the crowds: /Petals on a wet, blackbough.” My first reaction on reading Ezra Pound's 1916 poem In a Station of theMetro was that of outrage. Is it a poem by any definition? If it is a poem, howis it to be interpreted and understood? And finally, what are the implicationsthat this poem has produced for the twentieth- century American literature?
My initial bewilderment subsided as I realized that there must a raisond'etre behind this apparently bizarre literary phenomenon. What I should do isto put this poem into the context of the American literary evolution andliterary history. At least, the poem raises an important challenge. It requiresme to understand some of the crucial changes that must be happening around theturn of the last century.
My subsequent studies indicate that this poem represents part of the largerliterary movement known as Imagism, which included such theorists andpractitioners as T. E. Hume, Hilda Doolittle, Amy Lowell, Ezra Pound, etc. Themovement was a direct reaction to the late Victorian poetry, which had becomeextremely artificial, emptily “rhetorical” and “ornamental”。 To address suchproblems, it was necessary to loosen the metrical pattern and bring it backcloser to the rhythms of ordinary speech. Consequently, the “imagist” movementhad a great deal to do with promoting experiments with free verse, advocatingamong many creeds the need “to allow absolute freedom in the choice of subject”and “to produce poetry that is hard and clear, never blurred nor indefinite.”When Archibald MacLeish said in his Ars Poetica (1926) that “A poem should notmean / But be”, he had similar concerns in his mind. Imagism, minor as it is asa literary movement, triggered important changes in literary criticism,introducing the notion of internal studies as embodied by New Criticism tosubstitute the conventional critical practices.
The foregoing incident is but one instance that happened in my study ofliterature. For a Chinese student like me, it has at least two importantimplications. First, a literary work must not be treated in isolation. Itinteracts with what is written before it and after it and this historicalperspective is one way in which we may add to our interpretation. Second, it isimportant to be acquainted with relevant literary theories when interpreting agiven literary work.
A student majoring in English (& International Trade) at the EnglishDepartment of _ University, I grew increasingly interested in literature duringthe second half of my undergraduate program. Of course, I was trained to be astudent of English language in the first place and as such I received thestandard academic training typical of a student of English major. For the firsttwo years, I primarily had intensive trainings in basic English language skillsby attending courses in advanced listening, writing, reading and oralcommunication. My distinguished academic performance is demonstrated by the fourconsecutive first-class and second-class scholarships I won from 1999 to 20__.In 20__, I was awarded the second prize in the campus-wide English compositioncontest and in 20__ the first prize in the translation contest. Anotherindicator of my scholastic achievements is the honor of Outstanding Graduate of_Province that I received by the time I completed my undergraduate program.
I started reading English novels as soon as I began my undergraduateprogram. But I primarily used it as a way to increase my vocabulary and toimprove my reading comprehension. Since the second year in my undergraduateprogram, our curriculum included five major courses related to Anglo-Americanliterature and culture: Selected Readings in English Literature, SelectedReadings in American Literature, Introduction to European Culture, The Historyof English and American Literature, Selected Readings in English & AmericanFictions. Those courses provided me with a cultural and historical frameworkwith which to understand Anglo-American literature and to know theirinterrelationships. I grew familiar with major authors and works in British andAmerican literature and gained tentative knowledge of western criticalapproaches. Books like Literary Theory—An Introduction by Terry Eagleton and20th Literary Criticism edited by David Lodge proved somewhat esoteric to me,but they allowed me to realize that there are important critical approaches verydifferent from those in Chinese literature and different from conventional onesin western literature itself.
My defining interest in British and American Literature led me to writeabout T. S. Eliot and his poetry in my thesis Dull Roots Stirred by the SpringRain—Meaning Through Imagery in T. S. Eliot's “Waste Land”(available uponrequest)。 In this thesis, I examined different groups of imagery that T. S.Eliot employed to externalize his central ideas and emotions. I also analyzedthe theoretical justifications for his virtually excessive use of imagery bytracing it to his theory of “Objective Correlative” that he proposed in Hamletand His Problems, a critical essay contained in The Sacred Wood (1920)。
In an extracurricular event, students in our department put onShakespeare's drama Romeo and Juliet and I was the performer-director. Based onmy own understanding of the play, I changed its tragic ending and made it ahappy one by allowing the hero and the heroine to be resurrected and reunited. Ibelieve that a love of such intensity should be fulfilled, otherwise it would betoo pathetic.
In the last semester of my undergraduate program, I was recruited by myuniversity to teach the course Appreciation of American Literature to studentsof non-English major. By applying my computer skills, I developed a series ofcourseware, covering different periods of American literature and illustrated bygraphics and diagrams to make an otherwise difficult course interesting and easyto understand.
Nevertheless I am fully aware that my knowledge of American literature isfar from sufficient. I need to receive more advanced education for the sake of abetter career development. Therefore I plan to apply for a Graduate program inEnglish at the University of _, concentrating on modern and contemporaryAmerican literature. Your program is nationally recognized (listed as among thetop 10 in _ according to _) and it attacks me for its quality, small size andclose mentorship. I am interested in your well-designed curriculum whoseContemporary American Literature, American Literary History, Special Topics inAmerican Literature, American Literature 1865-1914, 1914-1960. Among your 13professors, I would like to receive instructions from _, _, _. _, and _. Ibelieve I am well-prepared and genuinely motivated for your program, which willteach me the knowledge and expertise nowhere to be sought in my own country.
我很高兴以书面形式推荐的医生的信。 xx支持他申请在实验室的博士后位置。
Marketing experts like to classify people into different generation groups,believing that people of the same age share similar value and attitudes. I agreewith those experts'' theory in that it emphasizes the connection between thecircumstances of one's upbringing and one's later outlook on life. Mypersonality, talents, values, even career choice have been profoundly influencedby my family life and upbringing in Taiwan.
My name is Peter Huang and I’ve grown up in Ten-Mou, a multiculturalneighborhood in suburban Taipei. During the early years of my childhood, myparents exerted a profound influence over my development. Though neither of themwas involved in business, by watching their integrity and hard work, I learnedmore about the true meaning of success than I would ever have in anyclassroom.
My father is an Air Force colonel. He joined the R.O.C Air Force at the ageof 14, struggling to achieve his personal best as the supply division chief ofthe R.O.C. Air Force Academy. Unlike some officers in the military, who dependedon family relationship and privilege to get promoted, my father gained hisposition by hard work and assiduity. He thus emphasized the importance ofindustriousness when it came to my education. When I was 10, I attended a speechcontest. During the week before the contest, my father and I spent two hours aday together, organizing the lecture content, adjust my rhythm, and rehearsing.I was a shy, soft-spoken child, and found speaking in public difficult at first.But through my father's patient efforts and his believe in the rewards of hardwork, I gradually became an excellent public speaker and won many of thecontests that followed. As a result of the experiences such as this, I learned avery strong work ethic and emulated some of my father's best characteristics -perseverance and dedication.
These qualities served me well as I entered mandatory military service inTaiwan and faced many difficult situations. I once led a squad to enact thetyphoon disaster relief action in Nan-tou. We had one week in which to salvage afactory that was half-buried in mud. As the squad commander, I not onlysupervised, but also participated in the demanding and seemly endless diggingwork. And each night, after an exhausting work when all other soldiers wereasleep, I spent extra hours checking if there were sufficient supplies andmaking plans for the next day's relief action. When I finally laid down tosleep, I could not help but reflect on how much I had developed, as both aperson and a leader, since that first speech contest.
My mother has a warm and kind personality, and has always reached out tothe expatriates in our neighborhood. She organized a language exchange club withthe American students in local colleges, hoping to increase understanding ofTaiwanese and American cultures through the exchange of language. I took part inthe club when I was still in elementary school. This childhood multi-culturalexperience instilled in me an active personality and willingness to interactwith people of different cultures. In particularly, it strengthened my interestin American and my desire to work and live there one day.
My mother’s emphasis on international exchange and cooperation has led meto work for the Fulbright Foundation in Taipei as a research assistant. Thisposition allows me to interact with educational associations in the UnitedStates and to take part in international conferences. I once participated in aventure capital seminar in Hsin-Chu, working on the issue of graduate leveltechnology management education with representatives of major high-techcompanies and academic institutions. Last November, I represented the Foundationin an international Tele-conference in Taipei. The conference was conducted bothin English and in Chinese and was hosted by the Prime of Ministry of Education.My work has also given me the opportunity to know and become friends withexceptional Fulbright scholars from the United States.
While my childhood years shaped my character, it was my high school andcollege years which led to my interest in business. 1988 was both a determiningyear to my career choices and a turning point in Taiwan's economy. As peoplefamiliar with Taiwan's modern economic history know, the exchange rate of theNew Taiwan Dollar to U.S. Dollars moved from 40:1 to 25:1 in that year under theoverwhelming pressure of American government. Thus meant that the traditionaladvantage of Taiwan's economy, low labor costs, was no longer our strength.People everywhere were talking about the future of Taiwan's economy. Out of ayoung man's passion, I wanted to contribute my talent and effort to my country.That was the time at which I made up my mind that someday, I will makeTaiwan-made products famous world-widely, like those produced by IBM, Intel, orMicrosoft.
This teenage naive patriotic dream transformed into an interest in businessadministration and economics after I graduated from Taipei First Senior HighSchool. I focused my college study on manufacturing administration andeconomics. From four years of lectures, seminars, and in-factory study in thedepartment of Industrial Engineering at National Formosa University, I acquiredskills in quality insurance, manufacturing planning and control, and factoryimprovement and diagnostic methods. In my economic class, I learned how prices,preferences, and incomes affect people's demand of goods from the microeconomic.I also acquired knowledge of how various factors - government policies, currencyexchange rate, and balance of international trade - affect a country's economicsgrowth. My interest in business, however, is not limited to industrialengineering and economics. In my junior year, I also took 6 credits ofaccounting courses and learned the knowledge of basic accounting principles,financial statements, and managerial accounting. To acquire a more thoroughunderstand of management information systems, I chose "Alumni AssociationDatabase Management System for Department of Industrial Engineering" as mygraduate activity project. From each step of developing the database system, Ilearned solid skills in FoxPro programming and enterprise demand analysis.
I am thankful that my parents provided me with an environment thatencouraged me to develop my personality and an intellect for which I amremembered. With a deeply-instilled work ethic, strong interpersonal skills, anda high level of motivation, I believe I will enrich the professional and socialenvironment at your esteemed Buchman School and continue to grow as a expert inhigh-tech industry.
Dear leaders and tutors of the university:
First of all, thank you for reviewing my personal application for studyingabroad in your busy schedule.
My name is ___, and I am a senior science student from a certain middleschool in __. I am about to face the college entrance examination. I hope torealize my dream of studying in __ university through your school. For a longtime, the university has been very attractive to me. It has a long history,profound cultural heritage, rich teaching resources, a good academic atmosphere,and a strong atmosphere of the times. , Has cultivated many outstanding talentsfor the motherland, has achieved fruitful scientific research results, and hasbecome an important base for cultivating high-level specialized talents anddeveloping science and technology in our country. Her personality is that she isone of the first universities in our country that has started to implementindependent enrollment on a trial basis. She cherishes talents, has a sense ofresponsibility, and selects talents in an eclectic manner. This is veryattractive to me. I am very eager to get the admission notice from your schoolin July 20__, become a student of your school, and become a talent for thesociety and the motherland.
Since entering high school, I have been working hard to learn culturalknowledge and diligent thinking in order to realize this ideal. English, physicsand chemistry are my strong subjects, and I have excellent personalities inEnglish. I participated in this year's National Middle School English InnovationCompetition for middle school students and had the honor to enter thesemi-finals. Although I missed the final prize due to various reasons, theprocess of participating in the competition greatly improved my potential.
In addition to excellent academic performance, I also have many specialties.I participated in a campus band. In my spare time, I like to play erhu and learnerhu. Not only has it enriched my extracurricular life, but also sublimated myinsights on music. In the world of erhu, there is "Horse Racing" which is boldand unrestrained, there is "Bright Walk" which is firm and powerful and tracesthe light to the light, and there is also "River Water" which is sorrowful andsorrowful. In junior high school, he won the Outstanding Program Award in thetalent show competition in Boxing County.
Not only do I like computers. In my spare time, I participated in thecomputer rank examination organized by the Ministry of Education and obtained aLevel B certificate. I also often participate in physical exercises with myheart to strengthen my physique and perseverance. In addition, I amenthusiastic, cheerful, helpful, sunny and upward, so since high school, I havebeen rated as a "three good student" every year.
However, these achievements can only represent my past. The dream is in myheart, the road is under my feet, and I stand at the crossroads of life. I chose__University, and I hope __University can open its arms and bring me a greatdevelopment. Platform, I hope that all the leaders and teachers can understandmy application. Thank you very much!