
EXECUTION VERSION这次漂亮的小编为您带来了公司章程精选8篇,如果能帮助到您,小编的一切努力都是值得的。

章 财务、会计制度、利润分配及劳动制度 篇1

第三十二条 公司应当依照法律、行政法规和国务院财政主管部门的规定建立本公司的财务会计制度,并应在每一会计年度终了时制作财务会计报告,经审查验证后于第二年 月 日前送交各股东。

第三十三条 公司利润分配按照《公司法》及法律、法规、国务院财政主管部门的规定执行。

第三十四条 劳动用工制度按国家法律、法规及国务院劳动部门的有关规定执行。

章 经营范围 篇2


Except as otherwise provided under the terms of these AOA, the following defined terms shall have the following respective meanings:


"Affiliate", with respect to any company, shall mean


a) any subsidiary or holding company of that company or any subsidiary of any such holding company;


b) anywww. of that company's directors or shareholders;


c) where any such director or shareholder is an individual, any of such director’s of shareholder’s close relatives, that is , any children ,spouse, brother, sister, or parent of any such director or shareholder;

d)被股东或经理或其近亲属直接或间接控制的公司,即有人被授权管理公司或控制董事会或拥有超过 的投票权的,指此人的近亲属并且公司受此人或其近亲属控制。

d) any other company which is, or may be, directly or indirectly controlled by any such director or shareholder or the close relatives thereof of that company, and for this purpose, a company is controlled by one or more persons it he or they are entitled (whether or not conditionally) to exercise management control of the company or control of the board of directors of more than of the voting rights in respect of the specified company; and in relation to any individual person, shall mean the close relatives of such person. and the company under the direct or indirect control of the such person and his close relatives.

为达成本章程目的,公司的关联企业不包括 。

Solely for the purpose of these AOA, the Affiliate of the Company does not include 。


"Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company established pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 of these AOA.


“Branch office" shall mean any of the Company's registered branch offices (including liaison offices)。


"Business Day" shall mean any day on which the banks in China, Hong Kong and USA are open for business, excluding any Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays in China, HongKong and the USA.。


"Business License" shall mean the business license of the Company issued by the relevant Registration Administration Authority after this JVC is approved by the Examination and Approval Authority.


"Business Plan" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.2.


"CEO” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1.


"CEO” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1.


"China" or the "PRC" shall mean the People's Republic of China excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan solely for the purpose of these AOA.

公司是指 ,一家由合同双方根据本合同设立的中外合资的有限责任企业,

"Company' shall mean ,a Sino-foreign equity joint venture limited liability company to be established by the Parties pursuant to the terms of this JVC.


"company auditor” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 13.7.


“company business” shall mean production, research, development, and sale (including import and export) of , relevant connections and other ancillary products specifically for the use of the other related services.


"COO” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1.


"Definitive Agreements" shall mean this JVC, the Articles of Association, the Equity Acquisition Agreement and other relevant agreements the Parties agree to sign as specified in the Equity Acquisition Agreement.


"Director" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(a)。


"Dollar", ”U.S. Dolla” shall mean the lawful currency of the United States.


"Effectiveness Date" shall mean the date on which these AOA takes effect, which is the date on which the Examination and Approval Authority approves this JVC and the Articles of Association.

股权收购协议指在 的股权收购协议。

“Equity Acquisition Agreement” shall mean the Equity Acquisition Agreement dated as


"equity interest" in the Company, with respect to any Party, shall mean the Registered Capital contribution of such Party made to the Company and the rights and interests in connection with such contribution;“equity share", with respect to any party, shall mean the percentage of such Party's Registered Capital contribution in the Company's total amount of Registered Capital.


“Establishment Date”,shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.


"Event of Force Maieure" shall mean any event provided under Section21.1


"Examination and Approval Authority" shall mean the relevant Chinese government authority in charge of examination and approval of this JVC, the Articles of Association and the establishment or the Company or any other competent government authority duly delegated pursuant to the Joint Venture Law


"Fair Market Value", with respect to any Party's equity interest in the Company, shall mean the market value of such equity interest determined pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.1.


“Joint Venture Law" shall have the meaning set forth in General Statement.


。.”Joint Venture Term" shall have the meaning set forth in Article 21.


“limited partnership" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 17.3.


"Permitted Transferee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 17.3.


"Qualified Investment Bank" shall have the meaning set forth in Section16.1.


"Qualified IPO:”,shall mean a firm commitment underwritten registered initial public offering of the equity interests of the company on a stock exchange in the , or. in the case of a stock exchange other than the forgoing, the initial public offering on conditions approved by 。


"Registered Capital" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.2(a)。


"Registered Administration Authority” shall mean any competent Chinese industry and commerce administration that have the registration authority over the Company pursuant to the Joint Venture Law


`Renminbi" or “RMB” shall mean the lawful currency of China


"Reserve Funds" shall mean the reserve funds which are set up as required by the Joint Venture Law, this Contract and the Articles of Associations.


“senior management”,shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1.


“Simple majority” or Simple majority of the board " shall mean over 50% of the Board members present in person or by proxy at a meeting of board duly convened pursuant to Article 8.


"Three Funds" shall mean the reserve fund, the enterprise development fund and the employee bonus and welfare fund required to be established by all Sino-foreign joint ventures pursuant to the Joint Venture Law.

钢管厂 指 由 共同拥有的企业,合法成立,注册地址在 。

“Tube Plant” shall mean collectively-owned enterprises duly organised and existing under the laws of the PRC with its registered address at its legal representative.


"Total Investment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.1


"Workers" shall mean all employees of the Company other than the Senior Management

章 公司的解散事由与清算办法 篇3

第三十五条 公司的营业期限 年,从《企业法人营业执照》签发之日起计算。

第三十六条 公司有下列情况之一的,可以解散:







第三十七条 公司解散时,应依据《公司法》的规定成立清算小组,对公司资产进行清算。清算结束后,清算小组应当制作清算报告,报股东会或者有关主管机关确认,并报送公司登记机关,申请公司注销登记,公告公司终止。

章 公司名称和住所 篇4

第四条 公司名称:……

第五条 住所: ……


章 公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则 篇5

第十七条 股东会由全体股东组成,是公司的权力机构,行使下列职权:













第十八条 股东会的首次会议由出资最多的股东召集和主持。

第十九条 股东会会议由股东按照出资比例行使表决权。

第二十条 股东会会议分为定期会议和临时会议,并应当于会议召开十五日以前通知全体股东。定期会议每 (年或月)召开一次。临时会议由代表四分之一以上表决权的股东,三分之一以上董事,或者监事提议方可召开。股东出席股东会议也可书面委托他人参加股东会议,行使委托书中载明的权力。

第二十一条 股东会会议由董事会召集,董事长主持。董事长因特殊原因不能履行其职责时,由董事长指定的副董事长或其他董事主持。(注:不设立董事会的,股东会会议由执行董事召集主持)

第二十二条 股东会会议应对所议事项作出决议,决议应由代表

分之 以上表决权的股东表决通过。但股东会对公司增加或者减少注册资本、分立、合并、解散或者变更公司形式、修改公司章程所作出的决议,应由代表三分之二以上表决权的股东表决通过。股东会应当对所议事项的决定作出会议记录,出席会议的股东应当在会议记录上签名。


第二十三条 公司设董事会,成员为 人,由股东会选举。董事任期 年,任期届满,可连选连任。董事在任期届满前,股东会不得无故解除其职务。董事会设董事长一人,副董事长 人,由董事会选举产生。(注:两个以上国有企业或其他两个以上国有投资主体投资设立的有限责任公司,其董事会成员中应有公司职工代表;董事会中的职工代表由公司职工民主选举产生。)












第二十四条 董事会会议由董事长召集并主持;董事长因特殊原因不能履行职务时,由董事长指定副董事长或者其他董事召集和主持。三分之一以上的董事可以提议召开董事会会议。并应于会议召开十日以前通知全体董事。

第二十五条 董事会对所议事项作出的决定应由 分之


第二十六条 公司设经理一名,由董事会聘任或者解聘。经理对董事会负责,行使下列职权:









第二十七条 公司设监事会,成员 人,并在其组成人员中推选一名召集人。监事会中股东代表监事与职工代表监事的比例为 : 。监事会中股东代表监事由股东会选举产生,职工代表监事由公司职工民主选举产生。监事的任期每届为三年,任期届满,可连选连任。


第二十八条 监事会或者监事行使下列职权:






第二十九条 公司董事、经理及财务负责人不得兼任监事。

章 公司注册资本 篇6

第七条 公司注册资本: 万元人民币。

第八条 公司增加或减少注册资本,必须召开股东会并做出决议。公司减少注册资本,还应当自做出决议之日起十日内通知债权人,并于三十日内在报纸上至少公告三次。公司变更注册资本应依法向登记机关办理变更登记手续。

章 股东转让出资的条件 篇7

第十四条 股东之间可以相互转让其部分或全部出资。(注:由两个股东共同出资设立的有限责任公司,股东之间只能转让其部分出资。)

第十五条 股东向股东以外的人转让其出资时,必须经全体股东过半数同意;不同意转让的股东应当购买该转让的出资,如果不购买该转让的出资,视为同意转让。

第十六条 股东依法转让其出资后,由公司将受让人的姓名、住所以及受让的出资额记载于股东名册。

章 股东的姓名(名称)、出资方式、出资额、分期缴付数额及期限 篇8

第九条 股东的姓名(名称)、出资方式、出资额、分期缴资情况如下:

股东姓名或名称  出资  数额  出资方式  设立时  缴付数额



数额  期限  数额  期限


第十条 股东承诺:各股东以其全部出资额为限对公司债务承担责任。

第十一条 公司成立后向股东签发出资证明书
