

保育老师的的自我评价 篇1



本学年,我能认真进行政治学习并作好详尽的记录,能认真学习中共中央《关于全面推行素质教育的决定》及教育政策法规。在师德、师风、师表等方面堪为人 师。能认真学习,领会上级文件精神,自觉提高思想素质、道德水准。时常观看和收听广播电视,了解国内外的大事和时事动态。经常向学生和家长宣传党的教育方 针、《中华人民共和国义务教育法》。正确处理好学校与社会、家庭的关系,积极形成教育合力,为提高学生的素质打一个坚实的后盾。生活上严格要求,工作上高 标准要求,重工作,轻享受。讲奉献,不索取。从不计较个人得失,敬业乐教,无私奉献。努力做到吃苦在前,享受在后。遵纪守法,不赌博,不信封建迷信,生活 简朴,作风正派,言谈举止符合教师职业道德规范要求,为人师表,率先垂范,处处以一个高素质的人民教师来要求自己,从无背离党的路线、方针、政策的言行。 深受社会、领导、同行、学生的尊重。



2、教学工作中,能够树立质量中心意识,改进教学方法,推进素质教育,全面提高教学质量。首先,学习大纲,弄清要求,钻研教材,学习理论,摸清学生情 况,备出切实可行、指导性强的教案。上课中,能坚持候课,组织学生学习,讲授正确、明白,知识体系强,重点突出,学生学习愉快,教师教学轻松。课后,能认 真辅导,答疑解难,培养学生良好的学习习惯。特别是毕业班教学,并不是单一地教给学生知识,而是教学给学生学习方法,每单元学习完后,能认真制卷,严肃组 织考试,公正、客观地评价试卷,最后分析、总结、帮助学生找原因,弥补教学中的失误,鼓励学生胜不骄,败不馁。

3、在教学中注重学法指导,加 强对尖子生的培养。特别是对毕业班的学生,给他们讲今后社会发展的动向,有了知识才有生存的本钱。在自己的黄金时候应努力学习,为自己的发展打下扎实基 础。同时还尽力给他们提供条件,把自己的资料书送给他们,把自己的学习用具送给他们,在生活上关心他们。




保育老师的的自我评价 篇2














保育老师的的自我评价 篇3

1, the way the teacher is very suitable for us, according to the knowledge structure of the course features, focused, structured. Theory and practice, through examples to make knowledge more structured. But the speed of teaching a bit faster, too late to record.

2, the teacher lectures organized, focused, the students are both enthusiastic and strict, you learn from the example of teachers.

3, the teacher class is sometimes very humorous, and sometimes very strict, but still very professing style, may wish to listen to it! We worship him Oh!

Attention to inspire and mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, the classroom atmosphere is more active; class example is rich, patiently, carefully explain, so that students gain some knowledge of the students to learn, to be able to understand the students' life; ; Half of the serious and neat, correcting the work seriously and timely attention to explain students prone to error; the most important is that teachers can be open and listen to the views of students and feedback, so that timely correction and adjustment of their teaching. In short, the teacher is a rare good teachers.

5, the teacher for teaching a serious and responsible, vivid language, structured clarity, for example, fully appropriate, strict requirements for students to be able to encourage students to speak, the classroom atmosphere more active and enthusiastic.

6, the classroom content is substantial, simple and clear, so that students can easily grasp the knowledge.

7, rich and effective teaching content, the teaching process to respect the students, and sometimes some foreign humor, popular with students welcome.

8, the teacher serious teaching, classroom efficiency, teaching content in detail, most of our students can follow the teacher thinking of learning, active atmosphere, the whole class down there to harvest, joy, people interested in this course.

9, the beginning of the course when the thickness of the textbook was really shocked, although it is now under the outline of the teacher out of the grasp of the key, still not very confident of their own. I think electronic teaching is a good way to thin the textbooks, show the essence of things in front of us, so that everyone's learning and review more targeted, but also enhance the confidence of everyone to learn this course . Thank the teacher in his busy schedule to make a beautiful courseware, it helps us to learn very large.

10, the teacher in school witty and interesting, he is good at using concise language will be difficult to understand the complex process formula clear and clear expression. Lecture content is compact, rich, with a large number of examples and exercises, is very conducive to students in a relatively short period of time to master classroom content.
