

介绍粽子的英语作文 篇1

Not far away from the New Year, my mother suddenly remembered to make zongzi for Chinese New Year. So mom and I packed dumplings together, ready for a moment.

In the afternoon, my mother went to buy some of the dumplings. Mother first put glutinous rice and meat in a big basin, pour some salt, soy sauce, old wine inside, begin to make dumplings. My mother taught me how to do it first, and then I began to get impatient, and I started working on myself.

I took two of the leaves and tried to surround them, but I couldn't get around. Just as I was confused two zhangs monk urgent like a cat on hot bricks, but mother laughed, smiled and said: "ha ha, don't listen to my main point, the consequence is like that." "Well, I'll give up," mom taught me. "I have to ask my mother for my own dumplings.

My mother always told me the main point, this time I heard it all and began to do it. I immediately put the two pieces of leaves, first put a little bit of millet, and then put a little meat in the middle, and finally cover a layer of rice in the meat, so meat was caught in the middle, then cover the rest of the leaves on the meters, that takes up the dumplings with a brown line, fasten, made a summary.

My first work was done. I looked at my good work, my heart was very angry, and suddenly I was smiling, and I asked my mother, "mom, mom, does my dumplings look good?" "Your dumplings are the best." My mother smiled and answered.

I really want to get to the next day, so I can have my own homemade dumplings!

粽子作文700字 篇2








介绍粽子的英语作文 篇3

端午节到了。我们一家人在包粽子,材料也很充足,有花生、有绿豆、有红枣、还有一些江米和粽叶。开始包粽子了,其实包粽子很简单,先把粽叶窝成一个漏斗形状,放一些江米,几粒花生 、绿豆和一个红枣,最顶上再放一些米,然后浇些水,妈妈说这样棕子可以更实在一些,水漏完之后就可以包起来了。我们包了很多粽子,粽子熟了以后沾着糖吃软软的甜甜的很好吃,真开心呀。

Dragon Boat Festival is here. Our family is making zongzi, and the materials are also abundant. There are peanuts, green beans, red dates, some rice and Zongye. Starting to make zongzi, in fact, it's very simple to make zongzi. First, nest the zongzi leaves into a funnel shape, put some rice, a few peanuts, green beans and a red date on the top, then put some rice on the top, and then pour some water. Mother said that this way, the brown rice can be more real, and then it can be wrapped after the water leakage. We made a lot of zongzi. When the zongzi are cooked, they will eat soft and sweet with sugar. It's very delicious. It's so happy.

以粽子为话题的作文 篇4







介绍粽子的英语作文 篇5

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, I quickly go home and want to learn to make dumplings with grandma. When I got home, grandma was already washing rice. I hurried to do my homework.

Suddenly, I hear grandma's shout: "the lemon, the homework is done, and grandma with the rice dumplings!" As soon as I heard it, I jumped three feet high and rushed to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I see, my grandma have packed a few dumplings, they like soldiers lined up neatly stand, thought: "grandma pack so well, there must be a trick." So I learned how to look like grandma, wrapped up in a decent way: grab a piece of dried bamboo shoots and roll it into a dipper. And then add a little rice, spread a bit of red bean in the above, the side of the bamboo leaves on the concave bucket, laps with a rope, tie a knot, a rice dumplings wrapped. Then I used the same method to wrap up several zongzi. Grandma wrapped the zongzi, squinted, and complimented me.

When I had dinner, I looked at a tray of dumplings on my desk and I couldn't say how sweet it was.
